Monday, January 31, 2011

Halatuju graduan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Kepujian) UniRazak.

Pendidikan merupakan aset penting dalam kehidupan. Justeru itu ramai pelajar memilih untuk menyambung pelajaran ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi, institut kemahiran, kolej, politeknik ataupun universiti baik di IPTA ataupun di IPTS.
Baru-baru ini UniRazak telah mengadakan Majlis Konvokesyen ke 10 pada tarikh 30 Oktober 2010 di Pusat Konvenkesyen Antarabangsa Putrajaya (PICC). Konvokesyan tersebut menyaksikan seramai 1,753 orang termasuk 74 graduan pasca siswazah menerima ijazah masing-masing dalam majlis konvokesyen tersebut (Berita Harian, 31/10/2010).
Manakala seramai 335 (jumlah dikira dalam buku LIST of Graduates) graduan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Kepujian) dalam pelbagai major.
UniRazak menawarkan 6 major dan minor dalam bidang “Language and Literature”, “Matematic”, “Commerce’, “Information Technology ”, Counseling, dan “Economic” . (
Namun agak menyedihkan kerana sehingga beberapa tahun pelajar UniRazak Sarawak tidak mendapat tempat/posting daripada Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM).
Sehingga ke saat ini pelajar UniRazak bersabar menunggu berita mendapat posting ke sekolah-sekolah yang ditetapkan.
Peristiwa menggembirakan adalah posting yang pertama Guru Sandaran Terlatih UniRazak Sarawak ialah pada bulan August 2010. (Kejayaan posting dipaparkan di “The Borneo Post congratulation”)
Namun jumlah yang mendapat posting masih lagi menghampakan graduan lain lebih-lebih lagi bagi graduan Bedu Major dalam Matematik kerana tidak seorang pun yang terpilih dalam “posting” tersebut.
Baru-baru ini laman web Permohonan Guru Sandaran Terlatih Keluaran IPT Secara Dalam Talian. Pada E-panduan, Universiti Tun Abdul Razak(UNITAR) tersenarai dalam pilihan institusi pengajian. Tetapi, pada ruangan mengisi permohonan, UNITAR tidak tersenarai dalam pilihan.
Ikuti maklum balas salah seorang pelajar UniRazak Pusat Wilayah Sarawak kepada KPM.
Namun besusah payah kebanyakkan pelajar UniRazak menghantar borang permohan seperti yang disarankan pihak MOE membalas dengan menghantar surat mengatakan permohonan e-GST hanya untuk IPTA dan IPG sahaja.
Jika begitu pertanyaan saya secara peribadi, (Maaf jika agak kasar) Bagaimana dengan graduan IPTS seperti UniRazak, UNISEL, OUM, Wawasan Open University, Open University Malaysia, Asian e Univesity (AEU), Program Kerjasama Unitar – Kolej Yayasan Melaka dan IPTS yang lain yang menawarkan Ijazah dalam pendidikan mendapat tempat/posting di sekolah-sekolah kerajaan di Malaysia? Mengapa pula pihak MOE tidak memberitahu melalui media massa ataupun melalui laman webnya cara-cara permohonan e-GST IPTS adalah sekian-sekian. Ini tidak MOE hanya memberitahu secara perseorangan melalui email maklum maklum balas.
Adakah email maklum balas tersebut hanya memenuhi budaya kerja?
Birokrasi JELAS.Sikap tidak adil serta tidak mengambil tahu/mengabaikan graduan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan di IPTS begitu ketara. (Abaikan jika kurang bersetuju)
Awalnya lawan web MOE memberitahu tiada sebarang pengambilan KPLI pada tahun ini (2010) , tetapi lihatlah sendiri kepincangan dan Birokrasi yang terjadi sehingga MOE mengabaikan bakal guru graduan IPTS. (Abaikan jika kurang bersetuju)
Di sana-sini heboh media memberitakan Malaysia kekurangan guru, kosongan, guru yang ramai, Kekurangan guru Bahasa Inggeris serta berita pembaharuan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin sebagai Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia bagi memantapkan lagi system Pendidikan Negara. Ya saya mengakui kebenarannya bahkan masih banyak sekolah menerima Guru Sandaran Tidak Terlatih (GSTT).
Berita mengembirakan GSTT boleh dilantik ke jawatan tetap setelah memenuhi syarat-syarat lantikan skim Pegawai Perkhidmatan Pendidikan Siswazah (PPPS) Gred DG 41 (Unit Komunikasi Korporat Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia). Mengapa tidak memilih dan melatik saja graduan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Kepujian) sedangkan mereka berkorban tenaga, usaha dan wang ringgit untuk mendapat Ijazah tersebut?
Saya memohon kepada Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran, Dr. Mohd. Puad Zarkashi yang pernah berkata, kajian khusus mengenai penyerapan GSTT yang sedang dijalankan dan ia dijangka dapat disiapkan dalam masa terdekat supaya melibatkan graduan UniRazak serta IPTS yang dilatih selama 4 tahun untuk mendisplinkan diri, berpengetahuan dan mengalami bidang keguruan. Berita ini saya petik daripada berita Utusan Malaysia bertarikh 21 Oktober 2010 yang mana beliau menjawab soalan Datuk Noraini Ahmad (BN-Parit Sulong) yang meminta kementerian menyatakan sama ada wujud dasar menyerap semua GSTT ke jawatan tetap setelah mengikuti Kursus Dalam Cuti (KDC).Sementara itu, Mohd. Puad menjelaskan, kementeriannya masih meneruskan program KDC dan Kursus Diploma Perguruan Malaysia (KDPM) bagi menyerap GSTT ke jawatan tetap.
Agaknya berapa wang ringgit yang telah dilaburkan oleh graduan ini? Jawablah jika anda rakyat Malaysia yang perihatin terhadap graduan ini. Tidak hairanlah saya sehingga kini graduan UniRazak masih belum dapat membayar PTPTN dan sukar mendapat pekerjaan.
Bidang Pendidikan kemanalah hendak mencari simpati? Kenapa tidak menjadi Cikgu? Hanya kami sendiri tahu permasalahannya, sukar untuk kami jelaskan.
Berita yang sangat menyedihkan terdapat beberapa buah sekolah & PPD tidak menerima graduan UniRazak atas alasan mempunyai Ijazah dalam Pendidikan dan akan mendapat posting. Hanya Tuhan sahaja yang tahu kesabaran dan perasaan kami sehingga ke hari ini. Ibubapa/Penjaga kami juga terlalu mengharapkan kejayaan kami sehingga hari ini masih memberi sokongan kuat untuk kami hidup.
Beikut pula email yang dihantar kepada Prof Dekan oleh salah seorang pelajar UniRazak. (“Email ini dipetik daripada perbincangan tertutup sekumpulan pelajar UniRazak sangat banyak berharap agar isu ini mendapat penyelesaian secara baik melalui kerjasama yang professional”)
Akhir sekali izinkan saya membawa kita merenung kembali Berita Utusan Borneo, 29 September 2010 “UniRazak sentiasa komited menjaga kebajikan penuntut”. Melalui rencana berujukan sumber bernas ini saya memohon maaf jika penulisan saya di blog ini sekiranya tidak wajar dan berkemungkinan keterlaluan lebih-lebih lagi kepada semua warga Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (MOE), Pengerusi Eksekutif Pe-ngurusan Dinamik Sdn Bhd Prof. Dr Mornie Kambrie serta warga UniRazak yang bertanggungjawab.
Di atas kesempatan ini juga saya mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih yang ternilai kepadaTuan Hj Marzuki Bin Haji Umi, semua warga kerja UniRazak lebih-lebih lagi kepada tenaga pengajar bermula dari subjek teras, major,minor sehinggalah ke Seminar In Education. Terlalu banyak jasa kalian yang hensem-hensem dan baik-baik mencurahkan Ilmu sehingga kami berjaya. (Tidak perlu saya senaraikan nama, kamu juga tahu hehehe…)
Sehingga kini saya tidak membuat sebarang Aduan ke MOE, ppd berdekatan, warga kerja kampus UniRazak Sarawak, kenalan media serta kenalan penjawat awam yang lain kecuali di blog persendirian saya ini.
Semoga penulisan saya ini mendapat prihatin daripada pihak yang yang bertanggungjawab. Saya juga memohon agar isu ini tidak di politikkan kerana pribadi saya sendiri bersama blog ini adalah memaparkan berita yang mempunyai pelbagai sumber dan kesahihannya adalah melalui rujukan berita yang benar serta mempunyai bukti yang kukuh.
"PENYELESAIAN adalah JAWAPAN" yang terbaik dan jangan sekali menyalahkan kerajaan semata-mata dan cuba mempolitikkan isu-isu ini lebih-lebih lagi memancing undi melalui pilihan raya yang akan datang.
Saya percaya, kerajaan mengambil berat serta berusaha membantu graduan mendapat pekerjaan. Oleh itu melalui rencana ini juga saya memohon agar graduan UniRazak serta graduan IPTS Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan yang lain dibantu. Mereka sangat-sangat berharap dan menanti. Jika terdapat individu/badan yang menyalahi saya, saya memohon beribu keampuanan dan kemaafan. Apa yang penting bagi saya, bantulah rakan-rakan saya, Ikhlas, dengan rendah hati saya ucapkan Terima Kasih kepada semua pembaca dan secara peribadi turut serta ingin membantu graduan ini. Sekali lagi saya tinggalkan dengan berita ini sebagai renungan kita bersama.
Utusan Borneo, 29 September 2010.
KUCHING: Institut Peng-urusan Dinamik, Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UNIRAZAK) Pusat Wilayah Sarawak komited dalam memelihara kebajikan dan keperluan para penuntutnya, sejajar dengan aspirasinya untuk melahirkan generasi cemerlang.
Pengerusi Eksekutif Pe-ngurusan Dinamik Sdn Bhd Prof. Dr Mornie Kambrie berkata konsep terbuka tersebut yang menjalinkan kerjasama antara pihak pengurusan dengan para penuntut akan membantu menangani gejala negatif dalam kalangan penuntut.
“Mungkin (penuntut) ada yang berjinak dengan pengambilan pil khayal, atau ada yang mengandung dan sebagainya, namun sebagai rakan baik, laporlah kepada kami dan kami akan membantu mereka.
“Melalui kerjasama sebegini, kita akan dapat menangani gejala negatif ini daripada berleluasa dan seterusnya melahirkan ramai graduan yang cemerlang,” katanya berucap sempena majlis ikrar pelajar baru UNIRAZAK, Pusat Wilayah Sarawak di sini semalam.
Sehubungan itu, beliau berkata ramai di kalangan ibu bapa telah menyuarakan keyakinan untuk membenarkan anak-anak mereka menuntut di UNIRAZAK.
Justeru, Mornie memberitahu UNIRAZAK kini telah melahirkan ramai graduan cemerlang, yang kini telah menempa nama di agensi-agensi kerajaan mahupun swasta dengan jawatan yang tinggi.
Sementara itu, majlis ikrar tersebut melibatkan seramai 560 orang penuntut yang telah mendaftar di UNIRAZAK Pusat Wilayah Sarawak.
Dengan itu, menjadikan jumlah penuntut aktif di UNITAR Pusat Wilayah Sarawak pada semester ini melebihi 1,000 orang.
Hadir menyempurnakan perasmian majlis tersebut ialah Naib Presiden (Akademik dan Penyelidikan) UNIRAZAKProf. Dato Dr Mohamed Mah-yuddin.
Kegigihan Hussamuddin diiktiraf, Sinar Harian, 31 Oktober 2010
Hishammuddin terima anugerah, Berita Minggu Nasioanl, 31 Oct 2010
Karnival Kerjaya UniRazak 2010, Harian Metro, 12 Oktober 2010
Buku Senarai Graduan Konvokesyen ke 10 UniRazak 2010
Utusan Borneo, 29 September 2010
GSTT Diserap ke Jawatan Tetap, Utusan Malaysia, 21 Oktober 2010
Email Wahida ke KPM , , 24 June, 2010
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10. ( )

Top 28 tempat berhantu di Semenanjung Malaysia... (Malaysia Ghost Talk's)

KUALA LUMPUR: Awas,30 lokasi hantu di sekeliling anda! Demikianlah didedahkan oleh Pengkaji Kumpulan Paranormal Scenes Investigator (PSI), Jamie Surina Hisham, mengulas mengenai lokasi hantu yang pernah di temuinya. Antara di lokasi utama, di Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, yang dikenal pasti sebagai sarang lokasi hantu.

Menurut Jamie, lokasi yang disenaraikan, memang mempunyai cerita tersendiri yang terjadi kepada mangsa kejadian.Kekerapan kejadian dikaitkan juga dengan peristiwa semasa terutama menjelang perayaan.

Menurut pihak polis, menjelang perayaan,pihak berkuasa akan menghebahkan kepada orang ramai megenai lokasi-lokasi maut di seluruh negara yang sering mengundang kemalangan jalanraya sebagai tanda peringatan agar pengguna jalan raya berhati-hati.

Namun tidak ramai yang tahu, terdapat juga lokasi-lokasi yang dikenal pasti berhantu diseluruh negara dan hasil soal selidik Perdana dengan beberapa pihak setakat ini terdapat 30 lokasi di Semenanjung Malaysia dan hampir separuh daripada lokasi itu terdapat di Kuala Lumpur.

Bagi mengesahkan lokasi terbabit, Pengkaji Kumpulan Paranormal Scenes Investigator (PSI), Jamie Surina Hisham berkata,memang terdapat banyak tempat berhantu yag pernah mereka jalankan kajian di sekitar Kuala Lumpur.

“Di Bukit Tunku sahaja terdapat empat buah banglo yang kami buat kajian didapati aktif dengan aktiviti paranormal,”katanya.
Katanya, ramai penghuninya terdiri daripada golongan elit, kawasan yang redup dengan pokok-pokok tinggi menjulang, menjadi lokasi menyeramkan setiap kali pemandu kereta menempuh jalan tersebut.

Sementara itu, Ketua Kumpulan PSI yang dikenali sebagai ‘Uncle Seekers’ berkata kumpulannya pernah membuat lebih 16 kali kajian di Highland Tower yang terkenal dengan kejadian kondominium runtuh suatu ketika dahulu.

“Dulu kawasan tersebut memang aktif berhantu tetapi sejak akhir-akhir ini,kajian kami mendapati kawasan terbabit sudah tidak aktif lagi,”

Antara lain tempat yang memang aktif berhantu ialah kawasan Jirat Cina Ampang, Jirat Cina Brickfield, Perkuburan Islam Jalan Ampang dan Hospital Lady Templer.

Di senaraikan kawasan-kawasan berhantu di seluruh Semenanjung Malaysia:

1. Kondominium runtuh di Highland Tower, Kuala Lumpur

2. Institut Victoria, Kuala Lumpur 

3. Kediaman Elit Bukit Tunku, Kuala Lumpur 

4. Jirat Cina Ampang, Kuala Lumpur

5. Jirat Cina Brickfield, Kuala Lumpur 

6. Perkuburan Islam Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur 

7. Hospital Lady Templer. 

8. Kawasan Sekolah Menengah Perempuan Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur 

9. Berhampiran Poliklinik Cheras. 

10. Jalan Kuala Lumpur ke Genting Highland Resort 

11. Pejara Pudu, Kuala Lumpur 

12. Sekitar Puchong, Kuala Lumpur 

13. Berhampiran Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Ampang 

14. Kawasan berhampiran Maktab Rendah Sains Mara, Kuala Kubu 
Bharu, Selangor 

15. Kawasan Bukit Damansara, Selangor 

16. Kellies Castle, Perak 

17. Kawasan berhampiran Tambun Inn,Perak 

18. Kawasan Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan berhampiran Jambatan Sungai 
Perak, Perak 

19. Jalan Simpang Masuk dua hala ke Kolej Melayu Kuala Kangsar, Perak 

20. Simpang tiga di tengah bandaraya Georgetown berhampiran 
Sekolah Tinggi Union, Pulau Pinang. 

21. Kawasan Lorong Petani, Alor Star, Kedah 

22. Kawasan pejabat Bernama lama berhampiran Pekan Rabu, Alor Star Kedah. 

23. Kawasan jambatan berhampiran jambatan Titi Haji Idris, Alor Star, Kedah. 

24. Kawasan Kubur Panjang, Pendang.

25. Tobiar, Pendang. 

26. Kawasan berbukit di Telok Chempedak, Kuantan Pahang. 

27. Kawasan hutan bakau di Kuantan, Pahang 

28. Kawasan Kota Lama, Melaka

(Malaysia Ghost Talk's)
> > > > > Georgetown - The Deadly Junction - it is a T-Junction, located beside the Union High School, It Was said that if you ever drive across it late at night, your car will go out of control, & crash because there were many accidents happened there. some said that there is a tiny unknown tree which looks like a lady carrying a child beside the road, they saw her figure & a child screaming, some old folks said she was once a "bomoh"(witch) & she kidnapped her sister's son, somehow they never appear after being seen beside this "DEADLY JUNCTION".

> > > > > Kuala Kangsar - Malay College Kuala Kangsar - Said to be a former site of a Japanese occupation camp during WW2. Students sometimes
awakened by something that stares down directly at them. A marching platoon can be heard in the field. The sounds of chains. A tree on campus which is right beside a lamppost where the light shines down on it. The shadow produced is that of a man hanging from the tree.- this may be urban egend.A few though were conveniently historically 'situated' as they were old colonial admin buildings that were used by the Japanese during the Occupation in the 1940s where 'executions' would take place.
Some of these buildings were the Victoria Institution (school), the Bukit Bintang Girls School (used to be methodist grounds,now demolished)kuala Kubu Bharu - Mara Junior Science College Kuala Kubu Bharu -In various parts of the building a white flying apparition has been seen.

> > > > > Kuala Lumpur - Bukit(Hill) Tunku - A spooky place to be. Bukit (Hill) Tunku is actually one of the more elite residential areas in Kuala Lumpur. This place has many big and tall trees, and has this eerie feeling about it even at broad daylight and of course at night. It is said that a few years ago two youth embarked on a high speed motorcycle chase around the curvy roads of the area. One of the youth crashed at a dark stretch of the road, which is actually a very sharp corner.There have been claims about sightings of a young man riding a motorcycle at high speed, who mysteriously vanished in the dark.

> > > > > Kuala Lumpur - Cheras - Poliklinik Cheras - Used to be a government hospital but it is being abandoned with no reason, been to the place before seems haunted and bizarre, rumors heard that there are still some dead patient that is loitering around the area.

> > > > > Kuala Lumpur - Genting Highlands Resort - A famous hill-top resort and casino. Many people incurred gambling debts and committed suicide here. Some visitors leaving the hotel lobby reported seeing a man in red jump from the rooftop, just to disappear before he hits the ground.Certain rooms are not available for rent no matter how full the hotel was- those who have seen the inside reported that it was filled with old Chinese ghost wards. They would subsequently fall sick for days afterwards.

> > > > > Kuala Lumpur - Highland Towers - A tragic event that will forever live in the memory of Malaysians. One of the 3 blocks of apartment at
this place fell apart due to landslide and heavy downpour prior to that fateful day. And Highland Towers have become famous for claims of being a
very haunted place. Voices of the dead can be heard at night and ghostly figures are said to have appeared at the scene. There are also a story
about a taxi driver who picked up a woman passenger at the middle of the night and being asked to drop her at the place.She left a bag and the poor taxi driver found it to be full of blood!

> > > > > Kuala Lumpur - Pudu Prison - Old prison that was abandoned after the area around it became commercialized. Reports of a strange thin Indian man walking the prison hallways and disappearing around the corner.Screams can be heard from the room where hangings take place. Certain areas such as specific cells and holding chambers were far colder than others. -Update: They are turning this back into a prison (for low security prisoners) as no one will take it up for commercial property as it is too well known for the hauntings. There were plans to turn it into a hotel where you can stay a night at the cell of the most notorious criminals.Actually, the listing is wrong about hangings. The hangings do not take place at Pudu prison. Unless its self flicted/murder. Official hangings are done outside Pudu. There were of course many in-prison acts of violence that led to deaths of inmates. Many drug addicts were known to be victims of violent criminals and so they were moved out into another prison elsewhere.

>>>>>Kuala Lumpur - Victoria Institution - A very famous landmark in Kuala Lumpur, V.I. a boys school was a Japanese base during the occupation of Malaysia. Many British soldiers and locals were brutally tortured to death in the basement and some of the older buildings on the campus. It is said that not only are apparitions common in the day as well as the night, there have been many cases of spirits possessing students.The possessed boys would behave strangely, even olently,harming other students and teachers only to snap out of it a few hours later and remember nothing, even when they were forcibly restrained, their bruises would disappear when they returned to normal.

>>>>>Perak - Ipoh - Tambun - Sighting of an old lady on the roadside while driving.

> > > > > Perak - Ipoh - Tambun Inn - Lights reported to turn on and off and sounds of whispering.

> > > > > Perak - Kellies Castle - sometimes door are opened themselves.lots of scary screaming voices........

> > > > > Puchong - Puchong House - Evil drawings on the walls. Some say the ghost of a woman who resided here before haunts it. Other than that,just stepping into the house is enough to keep you awake for months.

> > > > > Selangor - Ampang - S.K (1) Kuala Ampang - Could hear taps in the toilet running by itself and sightings of a lady in white walking behind the school compound.

Ariel Peterpan meringkuk di penjara selama 3 tahun 6 bulan...

Ariel Peterpan di kenakan hukuman penjara selama 3 tahun 6 bulan. Dia juga di kenakan denda sebanyak 25ribu dollar.. Dah rasa sedap, pandai lah yer tanggung azab dunia ni.. ni azab dunia brader, akhirat sana ko blum tau lagik... Apa pun kita doakan jer lah mamat ni taubat.. Tapi dengar cete, mase mamat ni kne tahan kat penjare (mase tu bulan puase), ble siap hisap rokok agi... Ntah lah, tak tebuka kot pintu hati mamat ni nak bertaubat... Cian gak kan mamat ni, awek2 yang main ngan dia tak kene pun?? tak pew lah, janji dah puas kan.... hahahahaha

Baby Dumping (pictures) [gambar-gambar pembuangan bayi]

There are many problems happen around us such as dumping babies. Dumping baby means that the acts of throw away the babies at any places without take care the babies. We can know about this because of this case appears every day in newspapers, we can see that these cases are increasing from time to time. 

In our society today, people of every age have problems that they need to deal with. Some problem for one age may differ from the problem of another age, or they may be just the same. High school students especially are facing so many problems. The five biggest problems that high school students facing these days are, illegal racing, using drugs and alcohol abuse, having free sex, abortion and dumping baby.

The problems usually follow the flow, first is illegal racing, commonly it being held at night, and of course it gives troubles to other road users. Apart from that, it also can be deadly for that person. After having a race, usually they will headed to the night club. This is the place where they start to take drugs and become addicted to alcohol. When they are under the influence of drugs and alcohol, it will lead them to have an unprotected sex, which means having sex without taking any prevention for pregnancy.

According to Hon Diende (2007), this issue can be avoided if youth control their social life. Youth nowadays is more social than before. Before this, parents control all their children activities including their children social life but nowadays parents are different, they trust their children can manage their life wisely. Parents should care about their children activities and friends. Parents must know what their children doing and with whom their children are friend with.

Top 10 Poisonous Foods We Love To Eat

10. Mushrooms 
We have all heard of toadstools – and know that they are poisonous, but what many people don’t know is that a toadstool is actually a mushroom, not a separate type of plant. Toadstool is slang for “poisonous mushroom”. While there are some useful signs that a mushroom is poisonous, they are not consistent and all mushrooms of unknown origin should be considered dangerous to eat. Some of the things you can look for to try to determine whether a mushroom is poisonous are: it should have a flat cap with no bumps, it should have pink or black gills (poisonous mushrooms often have white gills), and the gills should stay attached to the cap (not the stalk) if you pull it off. But remember, while this is generally true of many types of mushroom, it is not always true.
9. Puffer fish

A few days ago we had a list of embarrassing deaths, one of which included death by eating the liver of a fugu (pufferfish). The fugu is so poisonous that in Japan, fugu chefs are trained specially for the job and are tested before being a given certificates of practice. The training takes two or three years. In order to pass, the chef must answer a written test then give a demonstration of his cutting abilities. The final part of the test involves the chef eating the pieces of fugu that he has cut. Only 30% of apprentices pass the test – which is not to say that the rest die by eating their fugu – they can fail in earlier parts of the test. Only the flesh of the fugu is consumed as it is less likely to have high amounts of poison (which causes a slight tingling sensation in the mouth). Fugu is the only food officially illegal for the Emperor of Japan to eat – for his safety. Rather than including a photograph of a pufferfish.

8. Elderberry 

Elderberry trees are very attractive and quite large. They are covered with thousands of tiny flowers which have a delicate scent. The flowers are used mainly for making elderflower liqueur and soda. Sometimes the flowers are eaten after being battered and deep fried. But beneath the pretty surface lurks danger! The roots and some other parts of the elderberry tree are highly poisonous and will cause severe stomach problems. So next time you decide to pick some elderberry flowers for eating, be sure to eat just the flowers.

7. Castor Oil

Castor oil, the bane of many of our childhoods, is regularly added to candies, chocolate, and other foods. Furthermore, many people still consume a small amount daily or force it on their unwilling children. Fortunately the castor oil we buy is carefully prepared, because the castor bean is so deadly, that it takes just one bean to kill a human, and four to kill a horse. The poison is ricin, which is so toxic that workers who collect the seeds have strict safety guidelines to prevent accidental death. Despite this, many people working in the fields gathering the seeds suffer terrible side-effects.

6. Almonds
Almonds are one of the most useful and wonderful of seeds (it is not a nut as many people would have you believe). It has a unique taste and its excellent suitability for use in cooking have made it one of the most popular ingredients in pastry kitchens for centuries. The most flavorsome almonds are bitter almonds (as opposed to “sweet” almonds). They have the strongest scent and are the most popular in many countries. But there is one problem: they are full of cyanide. Before consumption, bitter almonds must be processed to remove the poison. Despite this requirement, some countries make the sale of bitter almonds illegal (New Zealand regretfully is one of them). As an alternative, you can use the pip from an apricot stone which has a similar flavor and poison content. Heating destroys the poison. In fact, you may not know that it is now illegal in the USA to sell raw almonds – all almonds sold are now heat-treated to remove traces of poison and bacteria.

5. Cherries 

Cherries are a very popular fruit – used in cooking, liqueur production, or eaten raw. They are from the same family as plums, apricots, and peaches. All of the previously mentioned fruits contain highly poisonous compounds in their leaves and seeds. Almonds are also a member of this family but they are the only fruit which is harvested especially for its seeds. When the seeds of cherries are crushed, chewed, or even slightly injured, they produce prussic acid (hydrogen cyanide). Next time you are eating cherries, remember not to suck on or chew the pip.

 4. Apples

Like the previous two items, apple seeds also contain cyanide – but obviously in much smaller doses. Apple seeds are very often eaten accidentally but you would need to chew and consume a fairly high number to get sick. There are not enough seeds in one apple to kill, but it is absolutely possible to eat enough to die. I recommend avoiding apple eating competitions! Incidentally, if you want to eat an apple and find a worm in it (and hopefully not half a worm), you can drop it in a bowl of salt water which will kill the worm.

3. Rhubarb

Rhubarb is a very underrated plant – it produces some of the nicest tasting puddings and is incredibly easy to grow at home. Rhubarb is something of a wonder plant – in addition to an unknown poison in its leaves, they also contain a corrosive acid. If you mix the leaves with water and soda, it becomes even more potent. The stems are edible (and incredibly tasty) and the roots have been used for over 5,000 years as a laxitive and poop-softener.

2. Tomatoes 

First off, a little interesting trivia: in the US, thanks to a US Supreme Court decision in 1893, tomatoes are vegetables. In the rest of the world they are considered to be fruit (or more accurately, a berry). The reason for this decision was a tax on vegetables but not fruit. You may also be interested to know that technically, a tomato is an ovary. The leaves and stems of the tomato plant contain a chemical called “Glycoalkaloid” which causes extreme nervousness and stomach upsets. Despite this, they can be used in cooking to enhance flavor, but they must be removed before eating. Cooking in this way does not allow enough poison to seep out but can make a huge difference in taste. Finally, to enhance the flavor of tomatoes, sprinkle a little sugar on them. Now we just need to work out whether they are “toe-mah-toes” or “toe-may-toes”.

1. Potatoes 

Potatoes have appeared in our history books since their introduction to Europe in the 16th century. Unfortunately they appear largely due to crop failure and severe famine, but they will be forever the central vegetable of most western families daily diet. Potatoes (like tomatoes) contain poison in the stems and leaves – and even in the potato itself if left to turn green (the green is due to a high concentration of the glycoalkaloid poison). Potato poisoning is rare, but it does happen from time to time. Death normally comes after a period of weakness and confusion, followed by a coma. The majority of cases of death by potato in the last fifty years in the USA have been the result of eating green potatoes or drinking potato leaf tea.